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Kohler Paralleling switchgear

Kohler's Decision-Maker™ Paralleling System offers something other paralleling systems don't - 100 percent integration.

Kohler paralleling switchgear Kohler paralleling switchgear

Kohler Paralleling switchgear

Kohler's Decision-Maker™ Paralleling System offers something other paralleling systems don't - 100 percent integration.

paralleling switchgear

Whether your need is for emergency, prime power, interruptible rate or peak shaving applications, KOHLER can custom-engineer the switchgear to back it up.

The switchgear equipment will automatically synchronize, parallel, and match the electrical power from a number of generators to the size of the load requirement. One of Total Energy Systems strengths is our ability to design a complete, integrated system for your installation with one source of responsibility.

Total Energy Systems' switchgear equipment offerings are designed for:

  • North American and International specifications
  • Emergency standby or prime power installations
  • Interruptible rate or peak shaving applications
  • Wall and floor-mounted configurations


Kohler paralleling switchgear